I'd much rather follow His commands, than man-made commands. My prayers are that all of YHVH's children will return back home to obey the commandments of YHVH.
Please investigate the origins of Sunday worship. Even the Catholic Catechism teaches that the biblical Sabbath is Saturday. The Catholic catechism teaches that the church worships on the "eighth" day called by the church the "Lord's day". The day of the Lord's resurrection, Sunday. While I don't agree Yeshua rose on Sunday, I think He rose on Sabbath, the seventh day I don't want to address this issue here.
I don't think that most Protestant churches realize that they are the daughter's of their mother, the Catholic church. The daughters keep the traditions of their mother without realizing where their mother's tradition's came from. Even though they've protested against their mother's evil ways the daughter's have still held on to the traditions her mother taught her.
You worded that SO well!! Bless you!