Monday, October 6, 2014

Heart Issues

My King is amazing. He takes us down the path that winds through rubble and meadow, marsh and desert, each having  an affect on our being, designed for us, a journey with Him. We encounter the fragrant scent of flora and the gagging stench of decay. We sit amongst lush green grass, trudge dark caverns and hasten by roaring creatures.

 We journey.

Where are you in the journey? Where are you on the path?

It is always a journey of the heart.

Oh! How my heart can fear. Oh! How my heart can tremble. Oh! How my heart can weep. Oh! How my heart can burn. Oh! How my heart can break. Oh! How my heart can freeze. Oh! How my heart is evil. Oh! My heart can sing. Oh! My heart can love. Oh! My heart can melt.

My heart.

That part of me where my Kings looks.

I can't hide it from Him. Where ever I am on the journey, my heart is there and He is there. He loves me. Sometimes I don't know why, but I know He does.

I have given him my heart. When I show him my heart he has already seen it. It is always laid bare for him.

"Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life." Proverbs 4:23

To the man of my dreams....I give my heart...King Yeshuah!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

My two cents on....Justin Bieber...yah...I know!

Before I became a believer, a follower of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, I had my sights set on fame. I was a singer, actor, dancer. Well, I still am, just not in the public circle, in my own home, in my own mind.
I am, also, a watcher. I watch. Putting the two together, I would watch those in the entertainment industry, and I must add that I am not alone. Millions of people "watch" those in the entertainment industry and want to know all about their favorite stars.
Over the years, I watched. I watched through the eyes of one who had no biblical inclinations of holiness, and now, as one, who wants holiness.
Well, what have I observed.
I watched a young girl, a former mousketeer with Disney, take over the music scene. Britney Spears, a young beautiful fully clothed seemingly innocent woman slowly undressed before our eyes. Each song/video increased the message of sexual prowess and became her common theme. Her videos looking at times much like a soft porn. It was sad to watch. 
And now, Justin Bieber! We all were amazed at this young man. What was this internet sensation, marketed by himself (obviously allowed by his mom), hoping for...? Fame? Fortune? Both? 
Let's look. This is YouTube video of Justin and his mom on a Christian show called 100 Huntley Street. During this video, his mother, mentions two people "fighting" over Justin: Justin Timberlake and Usher. She also mentions that Justin signed a record deal, which in hind sight, we know was Usher. 
As I watched this video, when it originally aired, I was shocked and saddened by one host and by his mother. What I saw was two women, who obviously had not seen videos by either Timberlake or Usher, ooh and aah over how these two artists were "fighting" over her son. JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE fighting for influence over your son! USHER mentoring your son. Helloooo...did anyone "THINK" about that for a moment. That was not a GOOD thing. That was a bad thing and had anyone any discernment, they should'a run for the hills. These "men" sexualize, and devalue women in their videos. They sing about women's bodies, about fornication, about selfish, self serving love. How could signing with one of them be "exciting". Oi...Oi...Oi! REALLY?
Then it hit me. The scripture verse that speaks of "offering our children up to Molech" found in Leviticus 18:21 " You shall not give any of your children to offer them to Molech, and so profane the name of your Elohim: I am YHVH".
Was this an offering to Molech? Well, what is an offering to Molech? Here is what one source said, 'In addition to sexual rituals, Molech worship included child sacrifice, or "passing children through the fire.” It is believed that giant metal statues were made of a man with a bull’s head, either with a hole in his abdomen or outstretched forearms that made a kind of ramp to a hole in his torso. A fire was lit in or around the statue. Babies were placed in the statue’s arms or in the hole. If a couple sacrificed their first born, they believed that Molech would ensure financial prosperity for the family and future children.' (Emphasis mine)
Isn't that what happened? Well, he didn't die, physically, and my prayer is that that would never happen. Doing drugs and reckless driving is not a great combination and I say, increases your chances of physical death. Overdosing...ugh please Father, let that not ever happen.
I mentioned earlier, that I haven't always been a believer in YHVH. I was dead, spiritually. The spiritually dead. Which is worse, really? And how is Justin doing? He can't be doing well, spiritually. 
The sacrifice worked: the family does have financial prosperity. I don't think Justin would have to ever write another song. As long as the finances are handled well, the Bieber's are set.
Was this a sacrifice to Molech? I think so. And it is hard to watch. We just don't see this as a sacrifice. If we watched Justin's mom take him as a baby and offer him as described above, we think it OUTRAGEOUS! It is not even in our imaginations. Yet isn't that what we've witnessed? An innocent and talented 14 year old thrust into the arms of the "KINGS"(Molech) of music. We should not be surprised at the outcome, or where Justin is at. He, his soul, is paying the price.

Outside of the realm of our Father to save him...absolutely not!

Justin, you and your family are in my prayers. May you find your way back to the one true God, Yahweh, Elohim, who loves you. 

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

EASTER is not a biblical word...what?

I thought that heading might catch some attention. I emphatically state that you will not find the word "EASTER" in the scriptures. Well, that's not entirely true, you will find the word Easter in the King James translation of the bible. In the KJV, you will find the word Easter replaces the word Passover in the 4th verse of the 12th chapter in the book of Acts;  "And when he had apprehended him, he put him in prison and delivered him to four quaternions of soldiers to guard him, intending after Easter to bring him forth to the people." Good ole King James! 

So why do we call this time, season in the church year Easter? Would it not better to use the correct biblical word 'pascha' as it was original Greek. In Greek, the word 'pascha' translates the word meaning Passover. In the passage from Acts cited above, the word Easter is not the pagan feast, where the word Easter derives it's name, but the commanded feast of Yahweh. Pesach. Passover.

As a side note, in case you didn't know, the springtime feasts consist of four feasts. People are most familiar with Passover, but that's only one. Passover starts on the 14th day of the first biblical month. The next feast is called Unleavened Bread, and starts on the 15th day of the same month. Followed by the Feast of First Fruits and then the Feast of Weeks (counting of the omer). The Feast of Weeks comes to a conclusion at Shavuot (Pentecost). These spring feasts are sometimes collectively grouped as Passover.

If the word Easter is most likely derived from name of the ancient lunar moon goddess Eostre's, why would one who worships the Creator of the universe want to renamed a festival or holiday after her? I am keenly aware of what 'Easter' in the Christian church represents, the Lamb of God sacrificed and resurrected but why must we call it by a pagan goddesses name. (I would also argue here, that this is what these biblical feasts are about too!  Remember Yeshua said he came to fill full the Law. He was the first fruits from the grave...etc) Kind of a slap in the face of a Holy God, who repeatedly told His children not to worship him like the pagan's worshiped their gods. He is HOLY! HOLY! Not to be mocked.

Just to be fair to those out there who argue that the word 'Easter' is correctly translated in the King James version, I've included their view. The argument is that word 'Easter' is correct as Herod would have been celebrating the pagan festival of this lunar goddess. He would have wanted to wait until his worship of Eostre or Ishtar was over. According to their reasoning, during at this time in Acts, both Passover and the pagan festival celebrating Eostre where days apart. Since he was in the middle of celebration himself, their view is that he was waiting until 'Easter' in the pagan sense, was over.

I don't believe the word 'Easter' means the pagan celebration in the Acts text, and either way you look at the translated word 'Easter', it is not a word connected to the God of Abraham, Isaac, or Jacob. It is a word connected to the pagan roots of our civilizations. It is not a biblical word. 

Happy Pascha Everyone!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The end of the law (Guest Post)

For Christ is the end of  the law for righteousness to everyone that believes. — Romans 10:4 NKJV 

 Nothing could be clearer! Christ is the end of the law. 
That’s it! Pack it all up – the law is ended! Except for 
one tiny thing which we should look at. To get the true 
meaning of this verse we need to see it in high definition. 
The word translated “end” does not mean termination. It 
means goal. (Zodhiates 5056) Christ is the goal of  the law. Does that change the meaning for you? The goal at which the Torah aims is the Messiah, who offers righteousness to everyone who trusts. 
(Romans 10:4 – Jewish New Testament, transla- 
tion by David Stern) 
 It is indeed interesting how a little word like “end” can mess up the meaning of a passage. That Christ or Messiah is the goal of the law is also stated in Galatians 
3:24. Therefore the law was our tutor to bring us the Christ, that we might be justified by faith. (NKJV) So the law is actually our ally. Paul says in Romans 7 that the law is special, the commandment special and just and good. He also says it is spiritual in Romans 7:14 and that He delights in it (vs 22). The law, or Torah, points to Jesus. 
 This is the essential truth that the religious leaders in 
the time of Christ failed to grasp. The Torah points to the one who has the power over sin – Christ. The law has 
no power. It is not an end in itself. We are not under the 
system of the law if we are governed by Christ the Spirit. 
(Gal. 5:18) Christ in us, the hope of glory, is the Holy 
Spirit. And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh 
with its passions and desires. To do that we need God’s power – divine enablement – grace. 
 The goal of the law is to bring us to Christ so we can 
be led or governed by Christ. We can rule and reign in 
life over the flesh – over sickness – over poverty – if we 
can learn to be led of the Spirit. The goal of the law is to 
bring us to a new type of government; one with divine 
power to help us. 
 The goal of the law is to bring me and you personally to 
a point where we are confidently hearing and obeying the 
Holy Spirit each and every day. This should be the goal of 
all the church’s discipleship attempts. We should be mak- 
ing disciples that know the Word and walk in the Spirit. 
 The law is a bit like the gantry for a rocket ship. It helps 
the rocket to stand upright but to fulfil its destiny a rocket 
needs to soar in the heavens. The soaring rocket must be 
guided in order to reach its destination. We need to be 
guided by the Spirit. The rocket also needs fuel or power 
to fly. We need the grace of God to soar. Grace and guidance are both provided for us as we trust the Messiah. 
The Torah is our valued tutor which points to our goal. 
We don’t do the law in our own strength. We use the law 
to fix our eyes on Jesus the author and finisher of our 
faith. It provides useful insight and context and is our ally 
in growing spiritually. So Christ is not the termination of 
the law but rather the endgame (the final stage of some 
action or process) of the law. 

Ian Wilkinson is the author of  a new book entitled Kingdom Foundation.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Which command would you NOT keep?

     In a friendly conversation with a fellow believer, whose children are in the same  class as mine, the topic of keeping commandments surfaced. I admit to starting the conversation the week earlier, by suggesting that the curriculum didn't quite mean what it said.  So far we've made it through 4 units with consistent encouragement from the curriculum developers to keep God's commandments. Last week, I suggested, that the curriculum didn't really mean "all of them" because the majority of mainline Christianity teaches followers to the amend the fourth commandment.

Hopefully I don't have to remind you, but just in case, the fourth commandment is: "Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it."

Another mother piped in that she thought that Paul had given provision for ditching the Sabbath in his letter to the Colossians, "Therefore let no one pass judgment on you in 
questions of food and drink, or with regard to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath".
I must add here, that my family and I keep, to the best of our ability, God's commandments believing that Yeshua came to fill full the Law and the Prophets, and that he did NOT come to abolish them. That means, the Moral Laws AND the Civil Laws still are binding today. The covenants do not nullify the previous covenants, but build on the previous. Thus, like Noah's covenant still applies to us and is for us, Abraham's covenant, which is the promise seed, who is Yeshua/Jesus, is also for us. With that there is no disagreement. (There is so much more that I could explain here, but that is not my intent in this posting, so feel free to peruse through my other posts or contact me directly for further explanation)

The conversation continued the following week as we prepared lunch for the kids. Thinking about our last weeks topic, the fourth commandment, this believer mentioned that she would have a hard time living out this walk that my family is on. She didn't mention the 4th commandment, but brought up the dietary Laws. She explained that she could never follow them, because doing so would start world war III. Her family, who are of Asian descent and strong believers, would not begin to understand that, it may be possible, that God would not want them eating pork. I listened to her explain that pork is such a dietary staple, that she could not even let her mind entertain that possibility of changing up her grocery list to eliminate pork. As she concluded, she stated with emphatic resolve, that since "no one is able to keep the Law perfectly, she was fine with breaking the dietary Laws". 

I was a little stunned at her statement. Really? Is that the conclusion she arrived at? She had obviously thought about our conversation about keeping God's commandments, but this is what she came up with? I didn't have a response immediately, but thought later, that the dietary Laws were the easy commands to keep. Not eating pork and pork products was simple and straight forward. (By the way, keeping clear of pork and shellfish is good for your health, according to health guru's. These animals are the clean up, garburators in God's animal kingdom and are not fit for human consumption.)

Of all the commandments the fourth commandment and the dietary Laws, the ones my fellow believers discussed, they are the easiest to keep. It's the "love thy neighbour" that's hard to keep. That's one I have the most difficulty with.

So here's my question...which command would you NOT keep?

Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Cart Before the Horse

     I like this weeks Torah portion (Genesis 12:1-17:27), which is called in Hebrew Lekh Lekha, because of the story of Abraham's faith in the covenent that his SEED would make him the Father of many nations. This story ties directly to Romans chapter 4. Romans 4 speaks a lot of the "Law" or Torah and it's inability to justify us, but does that mean that we throw it out, the Law? I'm talking about the whole Torah, not just the modern division between moral and civil laws, but all the instructions given to Elohim's people. It is my conviction that Paul would never tell anyone to forsake the Torah, but what he did address, is how all people are rendered innocent or justified before Elohim.
    His point in Romans 4 is to show that faith came before circumcision so that all who are uncircumcised, all who are lawless, all who walk in the steps of Abraham can come to Elohim and be rendered innocent. Paul was making a point that it was not being circumcised that resulted in our righteousness, but our faith that gains us righteousness. The action word is faith not circumcision.
   Why does this matter? Well, I believe that this argument is what Paul continues to expound on, in all of his letters. This argument that we are rendered innocent FIRST by faith, is not what the religious Jews had come teach. In order to be justified before Elohim, the Jewish authorities, believed that you must behold and do ALL their teachings, which included the oral Torah, which, when you agreed to and did, then you would be counted as righteous. That got you in to the club so to speak. One of the signs that a Gentile had to perform before joining the club, for lack of a better phrase, was to be circumcised. That physical act of circumcision, proved to the ruling authorities at that time that the converting person, was really willing to forsake their former lives and circumcising oneselve proved it. The body was held in high standard by those in the surrounding cultures and marring it with a knife was considered disgusting. To those who wanted to join to the Jewish nation, circumcision was a confirming sign that one was committed and sure of their conversion. Circumcision and all that that meant, became the door, to righteousness, not FAITH.
   Paul corrects this cart before the horse, specifically here in Romans, by referring to Abraham's faith. Because we have faith in the same Elohim, because we have faith in the same promised SEED, because we have faith in him who raised from the dead Yeshua our Adonai, who was delivered up for our trespasses and raised for our justification, WE ARE JUSTIFIED or RENDERED INNOCENT.

Abraham's faith saved him and our faith saves us. He was saved many years before Yeshuah came and we are save many years after Yeshuah came, BUT our faith is the same.
    Finally, does his argument, conclude that because of this FAITH, the Torah/Law is no longer to be engaged, no longer to be practiced, no longer to be followed? NO abolutely NOT! His argument addressed the how our justification occured. It did not address whether or not we should practice the Torah, or whether or not we just keep the moral laws, it addressed FAITH.


Thursday, July 19, 2012

Feeling rather vunerable

It is with arrogance that my heart expects to be taken care of. It is only by grace that I am able to stir cream into a coffee that sits on a counter, that sits in a kitchen that sits in a house that is surrounded by relatively peaceful people who are privileged to drive in a working car on streets that are relatively taken care of that take these people wherever, whenever they want because streetlights keep the road lit 24/7/365. I have no merit in achieving this except that I have an Elohim who has seen fit to allow this to happen. I am thankful Father. I drink this coffee with a deep gratitude.