Monday, October 6, 2014

Heart Issues

My King is amazing. He takes us down the path that winds through rubble and meadow, marsh and desert, each having  an affect on our being, designed for us, a journey with Him. We encounter the fragrant scent of flora and the gagging stench of decay. We sit amongst lush green grass, trudge dark caverns and hasten by roaring creatures.

 We journey.

Where are you in the journey? Where are you on the path?

It is always a journey of the heart.

Oh! How my heart can fear. Oh! How my heart can tremble. Oh! How my heart can weep. Oh! How my heart can burn. Oh! How my heart can break. Oh! How my heart can freeze. Oh! How my heart is evil. Oh! My heart can sing. Oh! My heart can love. Oh! My heart can melt.

My heart.

That part of me where my Kings looks.

I can't hide it from Him. Where ever I am on the journey, my heart is there and He is there. He loves me. Sometimes I don't know why, but I know He does.

I have given him my heart. When I show him my heart he has already seen it. It is always laid bare for him.

"Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life." Proverbs 4:23

To the man of my dreams....I give my heart...King Yeshuah!

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