Saturday, February 12, 2011

Passover, Coming soon

I am starting to clean the house a bit. A little here and there, whenever I get the chance. In between schooling, sanding vents, and regular life, I'm trying to get ahead to clean house for upcoming Passover. Okay I know that it's a little ways away, however I don't have a lot of extra time to get to the deep cleaning my house really needs. (As I type, I'm thinking that the Father is telling me something. Listen again to my statement. "I don't have a lot of extra time it get it the deep cleaning my house really needs") Does my house need some deep cleaning? I need to take the time so that He can do some deep cleaning. He has my attention. I like when this happens. Of course now I have to be prepared to be deeply cleaned. Yikes, sometimes that's not so much fun.
Okay back to my original thoughts. I am thankful that our Father is a teacher who likes to get us to use all of our senses when we come to meet with him. Tactile learners. What I mean is that, Passover preparation means that I get to search over my home for the leaven, literally. Some how the physical act of going through things like cupboards, drawers and pantries gets my mind into gear about Yeshua's references to leaven and sin. I usually end up asking myself, as I'm wiping the pot and pan cupboard, if there is any sin in me? Is there anything in my life that could use the blood of the Lamb to take it away. I love how He uses the concreteness of an activity to solidify, the spiritual.

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