Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Lingering for the last day of Sukkot

Here we are having our last sleep in the Sukkah. The boys and Jeremy and Dad had a rousing game of Farkle before bed. Owain and I tried to snuggle and get a jump on the shut eye. It didn't work to well. Yes the two dogs were sleeping with us.
We had a clear night so we could see his handy work in the sky above and the coyotes graced us with some rather odd singing. All in all a great night. I can't wait to celebrate this festival in Israel with Yeshua.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Special guests in our sukkah

Here we are having supper in the sukkah. At night we remove the patio furniture and put our beds in. We really have to make our beds every night and every morning. After dinner we took turns reading Zechariah 14 and Psalm 105.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Fall Feasts

Hi there,

Spent our first day in our Sukkah or Booth. It felt more like a greenhouse and I more like a tomato. As the day started cold, and ended warm, very warm in the sukkah. I will post pictures as we move along. I forgot tonight to take any.

I love the feasts. Today we discussed Zechariah 14. How when Yeshua, the King is ruling in Jerusalem we will go there to celebrate this festival with them. Today we stopped to imagine our own booth, in Israel, during the time Zechariah is talking of, knowing the King of Kings is there with us. WOW, what a celebration this will be. It puts in my heart a reason for joy. It makes me want to celebrate with a purpose. How lucky we will be to celebrate this with our Messiah! I love you YHVH.